Scientist working Scientist working miticulously to reproduce results

Reproducibility in research

The art of experiment reproduction.

Today, the scientific community increasingly realizes the importance of reproducing experiments, their experimental outcomes, and those published by others.

On this page

We will explain the challenges of reproducing experiments and how to overcome this with best-in-class lab gear and solutions. 
Pipetting accurately

Reproducibility challenges

Your time spent at the lab is valuable. You don't want to waste this on going back and forth trying to reproduce experiments. What if today's technology offers you the help needed to get consistent and reliable experimental data?

Do you have a though time reproducing experiments?

Two-thirds of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiment, according to a survey by Nature. Recognize this problem?

How to stop Mycoplasma from destroying your cell culture?

Mycoplasma is known for causing respiratory disorders. But researchers should not underestimate the effect on cell culture. Prevent this problem today.

5 ways you don't have to rely on a fluorescent microscopy expert ever again.

Multicolor fluorescence microscopes often come with hard-to-understand software. Discover how you get high-quality images without the need of an expert.


We won’t leave you with only the information, but we have selected the solutions we can offer to ensure you can be confident in your experimental design and trust your data, now and in the future.

Researchers discussing results

Our approach to reproducibility in research

We talk to many researchers who feel hopeless about failing experiments because the setup lacks proper tools.

All labs and companies would have unlimited financial budgets in a perfect world. The possibilities of high-end equipment and lab supply would be unthinkable. We know the reality of budget restrictions.

Today, innovative systems are affordable, benchtop-friendly, and accessible for all labs.

Compact budget-friendly systems are accessible for you, too. We offer high-quality consumables, reagents, and affordable small-data equipment for reliable and accurate research.

What to do with precious contaminated cells in culture?

When it is impossible to terminate the experiment, we help you choose the right tools to save your cell culture.

How to measure microvolume samples on a nanophotometer consistently

the NanoPhotometer N120 is unique as it can simultaneously scan up to 12 samples in 1.7 seconds per sample with high quality and accuracy.

How to reduce off-target effects during ribosomal RNA removal?

Reduce off-target effects and produce consistent RNA sequence results. The riboPOOLs present an efficient, affordable, and flexible solution.

Questions about a product?
Our Scientific Supporters are here to help.

Being researchers ourselves, our scientific support knows it comes down to
microscopic details. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions!