What to do with precious contaminated cells in culture?
Mycoplasma treatment and prevention.
When Mycoplasma is detected, it is advisable to end the cell culture experiment and throw the cells away. Sounds terrifying? We have solutions when you can't afford to terminate your research project.
Learn more about
In summary?
- What is causing the cell culture contamination?
- When you can't afford any risk.
- Make sure you can rely on your experimental results.
- How to solve the problem quickly?
What is causing the cell culture contamination?
In cell culture experiments, you add standard antibiotics to eliminate bacteria growth. Unfortunately, Mycoplasma is not affected by antibiotic treatment. It can grow slowly without you noticing it. But it will influence your cell culture. Cells may stop growing or even die. We can take many measures to prevent Mycoplasma, but humans remain the leading cause of Mycoplasma contamination as we carry it on our skin and spread it by coughing. Luckily a quick and easy method is available to test your cell culture. As the technique is fast, you can perform tests regularly, so you know it is all well.When it is impossible to terminate the experiment, the MycoZap elimination reagent removes Mycoplasma and rescues your Mycoplasma-infected cell culture. MycoZap uses a combination of antibiotic and antimetabolic agents and is active against most mollicutes, including Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Spiroplasma, and Entomoplasma species in cell cultures. It eliminates Mycoplasma contamination within four days with minimal toxic effects on the infected cells. Don't forget to check the cell culture to be sure all Mycoplasma is gone.
We recommend testing cell cultures for the presence of Mycoplasma regularly. This organism is not visible under the microscope but will have significant consequences on the functionality of the cells. Even if we continue to work with a cell line that has already been tested and does not contain Mycoplasma, it is advisable to inspect the culture frequently.

Recognizing it
When you can't afford any risk.
MycoZap or MycoXpert Antibiotics can be included in your culture media to prevent Mycoplasma infection. Used in combination with other antibiotics, and offers complete protection against Mycoplasma.Reliable results
Make sure you can rely on your experimental results.
We provide products for reliable detection, successful elimination, and prevention of Mycoplasma contamination.Many researchers went before you, implementing the Mycoalert solution with success. Don't continue compromising critical experiments. Get started with MycoAlert - satisfaction is guaranteed. We will fully refund the kit if we can't fulfill the promise.

Our solutions
How to solve the problem quickly?
A powerful combination of innovative antibiotics protecting your cell cultures against Mycoplasma contamination that is simply added to the cell culture or rescue your Mycoplasma-infected cell culture with an elimination reagent.
Don't forget to test your cells regularly using an Mycoplasma test kit.
MycoZap Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent - 1 treatment
MycoZap Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent - 5 treatments
MycoZap Plus-CL - 1 x 20 ml
MycoZap Plus-CL - 10 x 1 ml
MycoZap Plus-PR - 1 x 20 ml
MycoZap Plus-PR - 10 x 1 ml
MycoZap Prophylactic - 1 x 20 ml
MycoZap Prophylactic - 10 x 1 ml
Antibiotic/Antimycotic Solution (100x) - 100 ml
MycoXpert, Mycoplasma Removal Reagent (50x) - 100 ml
Success stories
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