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The autofocusing technology of the LUNA-II™ cell counter allows you to insert your sample slide, select your preset protocol, and press Count.
It brings your cells into the sharpest focus, adjusts light levels, captures a high-resolution image, and analyzes the counting image within 15 seconds.
Equipped with innovative software, including the de-clustering algorithm, the LUNA-II™ quickly and automatically counts cell clumps and analyzes them as single, double, or triplets.
The LUNA-II™ automated cell counter counts cell sizes ranging from 3 to 60 μm.
You can verify your results immediately with the integrated counting analysis software. Easily gate your cells based on size or save your cell counting images for later analysis using different parameters.
Automatically save and store results—up to 1,000 counts. Export the count data and images to a USB stick in CSV, TIF, annotated TIF, or PDF format. With the optional built-in printer, you can print your counting data instantly.
The LUNA-II™ precisely and consistently distinguishes live and dead cells from debris, providing accurate viability data. The liquid lens enables autofocusing and counting in 15 seconds, so you have all the hardware and software to trust your counting results fully.
LUNA-II™ counts fast and reliable.
"It saves me several minutes of lab work per day. LUNA-II™ is everybody's friend in our lab."
Katja Jansen, Universiteit Utrecht