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The extraction process utilizes a patented chemistry that combines tissue lysis with the binding of nucleic acids to the surface of a spin filter membrane. This optimized method eliminates the need for a separate deparaffinization step and avoids using toxic solvents such as xylene or octane. After several wash steps, the nucleic acids are eluted from the membrane using an elution buffer.

The extraction is optimized to achieve high yields, ensuring efficient results for immediate downstream applications or storage for future use.


Starting material FFPE (formalin fixed paraffin embedded) tissue samples

Maximum amount of tissue 50 mg

Average yield Depends on the type and starting quantity of the FFPE tissue material

Extraction time Approx. 2.5 hours (incl. lysis)

Binding capacity 50 μg genomic DNA

Average purity 1,7 – 2,2

Extract DNA