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The innuPREP Bacteria Lysis Booster has been developed to generate spheroblasts and a highly efficient non-mechanical pre-lysis of bacterial cell walls. This new mixture of different enzymes boosts the lysis of all bacteria, in particular hard-to-lyse microorganisms like Streptococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp., and Clostridium spp.

The resulting spheroblasts can be used in all lysis systems for the isolation of DNA and RNA. The best results will be obtained by using IST Innuscreen's kits. In combination with the newly introduced SmartExtraction technology by IST Innuscreen, the obtained DNA is not only of outstanding yield and quality but also of high molecular weight and, therefore, well suited for size-sensitive downstream applications such as das NanoPore or PacBio sequencing.

Specifications of innuPREP Bacteria Lysis Booster 

Starting material 
Up to 2 x 10exp9 of bacteria cells | Gram+ or gram- bacteria 

Average yield
Depending on amount of starting material and condition of bacterial cells. The yield of isolated DNA, RNA  is affected by the concentration of starting material and by the extraction kit used.

Extraction time
Approx. 30 minutes