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PULSin® is a protein delivery system that efficiently delivers R-phycoerythrin, a 240 kD fluorescent protein, to the cytoplasm of up to 98% of cells. The protein is evenly distributed in the cytoplasm and does not enter the nucleus due to its large size. PULSin® can also deliver antibodies successfully to mammalian cells, and these antibodies can recognize their target proteins in the cytoplasm.

In experiments, FITC-labeled anti-alpha-tubulin was delivered to 85% of HeLa cells, while anti-giantin Alexa Fluor® 488 was delivered to 98% of live HeLa cells, labeling the Golgi apparatus. PULSin® is a faster and more efficient protein delivery system than other techniques, such as viral transduction or chemical conjugation. The PULSin® reagent is ready to use and comes with a dilution buffer and a fluorescent control protein (R-phycoerythrin).

The protocol is simple: add the reagent to the protein, incubate it, and then add it to the cells. The cells can be analyzed as early as four hours after delivery. Comparing PULSin® to two other protein delivery reagents shows that PULSin® has a higher efficiency of protein delivery and delivers a higher amount of protein per cell, as measured for R-phycoerythrin protein and FITC-alpha-tubulin antibody (see additional data).