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JetPRIMEĀ® is a versatile transfection reagent that is highly effective and delivers reproducible DNA and siRNA transfection in several adherent cell lines. It is beneficial for co-transfecting DNA and siRNA, resulting in efficient gene silencing and high DNA transfection rates across various cell lines.

JetPRIMEĀ® requires lower amounts of nucleic acids and reagents, resulting in low cytotoxicity. 1.5 ml of jetPRIMEĀ® transfection reagent is sufficient to perform up to 1500 transfections in 24-well plates or 375 transfections in 6-well plates. With minimal toxicity, jetPRIMEĀ® is easy to use for day-to-day experiments and reliably produces excellent scientific results. It is well-suited for different applications, such as gene silencing, co-transfection of different nucleic acids, plasmid transfection, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knock-out.