Learn more about this product
jetMESSENGER® is a highly efficient and gentle reagent for mRNA transfection, offering several advantages over DNA transfection. One of
the main benefits of using mRNA transfection is that there is no risk of genome integration, which means that the transfected cell's
genome will not be modified. Also, there are no issues related to promoter regulation.
jetMESSENGER® is designed to be highly efficient, especially in hard-to-transfect cells, such as primary cells, cancer cell lines,
neurons, and stem cells, compared to other mRNA transfection reagents, but also works well in easy-to-transfect cells.
This reagent is well-suited for several applications, including gene expression, CRISPR/Cas-9 gene editing, reprogramming experiments in
fibroblasts and stem cells, and immunotherapy assays.
Since jetMESSENGER® eliminates the need to reach the nucleus for efficient expression, it can transfect quiescent and slow-dividing
cells. Moreover, this reagent operates via a highly gentle process, maintaining high cell viability and morphology during transfection.